Confessions of a wedding planner: A beautiful love story
Working with couples on a daily basis we tend to hear a lot of stories about where they came from, how they met etc. While all couples love stories are beautiful there are some that really stick with us, be it for their uniqueness or their comical nature. Here is the story of a beautiful couple we had a few weeks ago!
This couple had contacted us to organise their small registry wedding in Gibraltar. We treated this enquiry as we always do but upon requesting their documents I realised there was one divorce paper missing and so I contacted the couple to ask them to send over the other one. To my surprise he emailed me back explaining that there was only one divorce paper as they had previously been married to each other!
The day of their SECOND wedding arrived and they were just as emotional as I imagine they were in their first. They got to talking to the registrar officiating the ceremony and started telling their story. They were married the first time in 1985 and after 30 years of marriage they decided to divorce in 2015. Funnily enough they never lived apart in the whole time they were divorced. The divorce lasted a year before they realised they were still absolutely mad about each other! And so here we were witnessing their second wedding after 3 years of being divorced. It is honestly a story that will stay with me forever as it is a true testament to love and brings hope to the current stigma that surround weddings.
We wish them all the best in their life together!
Hour Weddings Gibraltar
Tel: 20071335