Hour Weddings Gibraltar & Spain

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How quickly can you get married in Gibraltar?

How quickly can you get married in Gibraltar?

Gibraltar gives the chance of getting married to residents and non-residents, in or outside of the

registry office. As soon as the dates are decided it is only a question of sorting out the paperwork and

within a matter of a few days you could be saying “I do”.

After choosing the dates and space to get married, it is necessary to book a hotel night in Gibraltar,

whether it is the night before or the night of the wedding, as this is a requirement for getting married

in Gibraltar. What is known as a "'proof of stay” must be certified along with the other documents.

In regards to the documentation needed:

- If this is the first time the spouses are getting married, passports and the original birth

certificate (the one that shows the parents’ names) are sufficient to get married.

- In the case of those who are divorced, it would be necessary apart from what is already

specified in the previous postulate: the final divorce decree, which must be stamped and

official. For women, also have to provide the previous marriage certificate.

- In the case of those who are widowed, they must provide a passport and birth certificate; the

previous marriage certificate, and the death certificate of the deceased spouse.

Two witnesses must be present at the ceremony as they must sign the certificate, in case no friends or

relatives are able to travel with the couple, we can provide them.

Once all this has been approved by the notary and registry office, you will only have to say YES to

get married in Gibraltar, the express wedding´s resort.