Hour Weddings Gibraltar & Spain

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Destination weddings - travel essentials

Destination weddings- travel essentials

Hour Weddings, Gibraltar.

Over the years Hour Weddings has had the pleasure of assisting brides with their destination weddings, Hour Weddings have travelled all over Spain, Tenerife and in February 2018 they travelled to the Caribbean! A destination wedding requires a tad more preparation, especially if you are a guest. Hour Weddings have compiled their travel essentials for guests who are travelling abroad.

Passport and visa

We make take this for granted but you will be surprised how many people miss weddings because close to the date they realise their passport has expired! Make sure you double check.  Also, visa requirements are always changing, especially in Europe and USA with new legislation being implemented regularly. We recommend this website which searches visa requirements depending on your nationality https://www.travisa.com/Visa_Search

Travel insurance

We cannot predict when we are going to fall ill, fall down a flight of stairs or get bitten by a Gibraltar ape. The cost of healthcare is rising and you never know what is around the corner! Travel insurance can be purchased online and these days is relatively cheap. Make sure you look into the finer details of what each deal offers and covers.

Pills and potions

We can never be too careful. If you are going abroad, we recommend you check with your local travel nurse if there are any vaccinations which are required for your trip. Jungle Fever *mosquito and bug repellant* is a must if you are travelling to hot tropical places, its a life saver! Also, do not forget your ibuprofen (non steroidal anti inflammatories) and paracetamol (pain relief) incase of any bumps and bruises, they may be very expensive to buy abroad.

The just-in-case outfit

Destination wedding tip 1 is always pack a spare outfit in your hand luggage. Whether you are the bride/groom or guest, you do not want to be outfit-less for the wedding! Remember to pack the essential accessories too. With big airports and flights leaving every 2 minutes, it is not uncommon for airlines to misplace your bag. 

Research local beauty salons

Your nail breaks. You forgot to go for that ever so important wax. The humidity frizzes up your hair. Everyone wants to look fab for the wedding and even though you might have prepped at your local anything could happen whilst you're away! We recommend you research your surrounding salons before you go, saving their number, so you can give them a ring if you get stuck in a pickle (or even if you fancy doing them there!)

Look forward to seeing you all!