Wedding days in Gibraltar - what to do

The day after your wedding

Getting married in Gibraltar? Not sure what to do the day after your wedding (aside from nursing a hangover maybe?) We have put together some fun things to do whilst visiting Gibraltar. Gibraltar is a great weekend break & for a very small peninsular has great options for families and couples visiting. Here are some of our favourite things to do in Gibraltar.

1. Visit the beach ( our favourite beach in Gibraltar is Sandy Bay and can be accessed by bus on the Eastside of Gibraltar) after the long walk down to the beach you are greeted by friendly locals, crystal clear water and a local beach hut serving ice cream, sangria and fish and chips (this beach is only accessible for fully mobile adults, wheelchairs and prams best to go to Catalan Bay)

2. Early morning upper rock walk – this is only to be braved by those who have a relative level of fitness. If you fit this criteria, walking up the rock is absolutely stunning. Views overlooking Spain and Morocco as well as being surrounded by wildlife (apes birds & fauna) this is a nature lovers dream come true.

3. Sip champagne in Queensway Quay – on a warm day there is nothing better to do than sip some champagne at one of the marinas, Queensway is our Marina of choice, more upmarket and quieter than the rowdy Ocean Village. Surrounded by yachts and overlooking Spain

4. Book the Queens Private Cinema for you and your family – The Queens is a hotel based in Casemates with a private cinema at the back which can fit 16 people. Watch your favourite movie on their comfy sofas & sipping cocktails and eating popcorn. This is a brand new facility in Gibraltar & we absolutely love it!

5. If its raining? Check out the Rock Hotel for their lovely high teas served with scones or even their Sunday Roast overlooking the bay of Gibraltar.

6. Cross the border to have tapas in Spain – ensuring you have the right documents (if you are Uk a passport) you are able to cross the border even for a couple of hours to enjoy some delicious authentic Spanish food. You do not need to go far, La Linea De la Concepcion, the town across the border is the perfect place to eat some cheap tasty food.

If you require some help or information on what to do whilst here for your wedding, please do not hesitate to contact us on