The Gibraltar Registry Office

The Gibraltar Registry office is located in Secretary Lane & this is where you will need to attend to sort out your marriage paperwork if you want to get married in Gibraltar.

There are many benefits to hiring a wedding planner for your upcoming nuptials in Gibraltar. Wedding planners communicate with the registry office & other suppliers on your behalf. As experts in the wedding industry with 20 years of experience, having a planner on your side could get you out of a serious pickle.

Wedding planners will know who to call and when to call them. The Registry Office has the right to turn couples away if they do not provide the correct documents.

The laws & regulations are always changing in Gibraltar, another reason to hire a planner. In the last years, fees have risen and required documents. Another major reason to hire a wedding planner in Gibraltar is the border & airport. Gibraltar is currently undergoing international talks with the EU - this affects who can come in and out of Gibraltar (some passports may require additional documentation.) To keep up with the aforementioned & ensure you can proceed with your wedding day, paying a planner seems quite reasonable!